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    • Curses, Ghosts and Exorcismes

      95 Einträge · 291813 Views · aktualisiert
      The, in my opinion, best horror movies, that include supernatural forces like ghosts, curses, or phantoms.
    • Home Invasion

      22 Einträge · 88545 Views · aktualisiert
      Here is a small list of (Horror movies), featuring Home invasions. This is only a list of movies I've seen. In some movies like "Borderland" there is only a part of the movie, home invasion.
    • My favorite movies

      64 Einträge · 299923 Views · aktualisiert
      This list contains movies (especially Blockbusters), that I liked and enjoyed the most. I think everybody who likes good movies with amazing special effects/ good acting/ a good dramaturgy or with an ..
    • Bloody Revenge

      46 Einträge · 101773 Views · aktualisiert
      A list of the best movies (in my opinion), where the protagonist(s) are getting their merciless revenge after being tortured, being capt or lost their family/friends. Attention: Most of the following..
    • Diseases, Parasites and Biological Weapons

      31 Einträge · 107759 Views · aktualisiert
      Movies that feature threats in form of parasitic organisms, bacteria/viruses or man made diseases as biological weapons. (list is updated regularly)
    • "I want to play a game"

      47 Einträge · 104284 Views · aktualisiert
      A list of movies of different genres, where the main protagonists are forced to make a difficult choice, they are set a task, a test, or a "game". The tasks, set by the villain, mainly consist of surv..
    • Psychologically disturbing

      16 Einträge · 68038 Views · aktualisiert
      Following movies will be branded in your minds after seeing them. These are the most violent, gruesome and psychologically disturbing movies I've seen.
    • We are not alone: movies with aliens

      86 Einträge · 230732 Views · aktualisiert
      A list with movies in which humanity discovers extraterrestrial live forms on other planets or where aliens visit (or invade) the earth.
    • Hostage/Kidnapping/Captive Movies

      76 Einträge · 184318 Views · aktualisiert
      Movies in which the protagonist(s) are/is under someone's thumb, held captive, kidnapped or as a hostage and has to follow the captors orders.
    • Zombies!

      58 Einträge · 137261 Views · aktualisiert
      A list of all Zombie movies I've seen. It contains movies or TV shows from all genres like Horror, Comedy, Thriller, Fantasy and Science Fiction. (This list is regularly updated)